Kenneth E. McIntush, P.E.



McIntush, K.E., D.B. Myers, and D.L. Mamrosh, 10-13 Sep 2024. “Ammonium Thiosulfate Production at Refineries.” Presented at the 2024 Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium, Vail, CO.


McIntush, K.E., D.L. Mamrosh, C.A.M. Beitler, B.D. Piggott, A.I. Ryan. 28-30 May 2024, “Managing the Issues Caused by Air Ingress into Geothermal Non-Condensable Gas when Capturing CO2.” Presented at 2024 Icelandic Geothermal Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.


Olafsdottir, K. U., Y. Gudmundsson, D. Mamrosh, K. McIntush, A. Ryan, B. Piggott, C.A. Beitler. “Managing Flammable Species in CO2 Capture Processes Utilizing Water Scrubbing at Geothermal Power Plants.” Presented at 2023 Geothermal Rising Conference (GRC), Reno, NV, GRC Transactions, Vol. 47, 2023, pp. 2071-2087.


Morrison, L., B. Benn, A. Sonneville, K. McIntush. 28-31 August 2022. “The Greenhouse Effect, a Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Contributions from Fossil Fueled and Geothermal Power Plants with Potential Solutions for Emissions Reductions.” Presented at 2022 Geothermal Rising Conference (GRC),  Reno, NV, GRC Transactions, Vol. 45, 2022, pp. 1220-1227.


Mamrosh, D., K. McIntush, J. Lundeen, C. Beitler, and K. Tyndall.  21-24 February 2022. “Consider Hazards of CO2 and H2S for CCS.”  Presented at Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference 2022, Norman, OK.


McIntush, K., D. Mamrosh, C. Beitler, B. Piggott. 28-31 August 2022. “Considerations for Alternative Use of Noncondensable Gas at Geothermal Power Plants.” Presented at 2022 Geothermal Rising Conference (GRC),  Reno, NV, GRC Transactions, Vol. 45, 2022, pp. 1195-1219.


Piggott, B., K. McIntush, D. Mamrosh, C. Beitler, L. Morrison, B. Benn, B. Kershaw, D. Sveinbjörnsson, and M. Arnarson. 3-6 October 2021. “Non-Condensable Gas Composition Impacts on Carbon Capture and Water Injection.” Presented at 2021 Geothermal Rising Conference (GRC),  San Diego, CA, GRC Transactions, Vol. 45, 2021, pp. 1414-1435.


Sachde, D., and Ken McIntush. 26-29 Sep 2021. “Sulfur Storage and Handling.” Presented at GPA Midstream Association Convention, Sour Gas and Sulfur Symposium, 29 Sep 2021, San Antonio, TX.


Sachde, D.J., S.M. Fulk, K.E. McIntush, and C.M. Beitler.  14-16 Sep 2021. “Estimating H2S Evolution from Molten Sulfur Storage and Handling Systems.” Presented at Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium (Virtual Vail).


McIntush, K., J.P. Farone, B.D. Piggott, and C.M. Beitler. “Specifying internals in sour water strippers – Part 2.” Hydrocarbon Processing, Volume 100, Number 3, March 2021, pp. 51-55.


Sachde, D.J., K.E. McIntush, C.M. Beitler, and D.L. Mamrosh. “Fire prevention and suppression for molten sulphur tanks and pits". In: Sulphur 392  (January / February, 2021), pp. 39-45.


McIntush, K., J.P. Farone, B.D. Piggott, and C.M. Beitler. “Specifying internals in sour water strippers – Part 1.” Hydrocarbon Processing, Volume 100, Number 2, February 2021, pp. 47-51.


Sachde, D.J., K.E. McIntush, C.M. Beitler, and K.S. Fisher. “Preventing explosions in molten sulphur tanks". In: Sulphur 390  (September / October 2020), pp. 52-60.


Sachde, D.J., K.E. McIntush, C.A.M. Beitler, and D.L. Mamrosh. “Preventing or Extinguishing Molten Sulfur Tank and Pit Fires”. Presented at the 2020 Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium. September 15-17, 2020. Virtual.


McIntush, K.E., B.D. Piggott, C.A.M. Beitler, and J.P. Farone. “Specifying Internals in Sour Water Strippers”. Presented at the 2020 Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium. September 15-17, 2020. Virtual.


Sachde, D.J., K.E. McIntush, D.L. Mamrosh, and C.M. Beitler. “Caustic scrubbing of molten sulphur vent streams." In: Sulphur 389  (July / August 2020), pp. 32-39.


McIntush, K.E., D. Sachde, and C.A.M. Beitler. September 16-20, 2019. "Molten Sulfur Vent Stream Disposition – Vent Stream Routing, Managing Emissions, and Impact of Process Conditions/Equipment." Presented at Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium 2019, Vail, CO.


Mamrosh, D., D. Myers, D. Sachde, C. Beitler, and K. McIntush. February 25-28, 2019.  “Strategies for Short-Term H2S Removal.” Presented at the Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, Norman, OK.


McIntush, K.E., K. Fisher, D. Sachde, and C. Beitler. September 10-14, 2018. "Design Considerations For Natural Draft Ventilation in Molten Sulfur Storage Tanks." Presented at Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium 2018, Vail, CO.


McIntush, K., D. Mamrosh, C. Beitler, and K. Kitz. October 1-4, 2017. “Integrated Hybrid Cooling, Direct-Contact Condenser, and H2S Abatement to Lower Operating Costs and Increase Injection.” Presented at the Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. GRC Transactions 41:2488-2507.


McIntush, K.E., D. Mamrosh, D. Sachde, and C. Beitler. September 26-29, 2017. “Use of Caustic Scrubbers on Vent Streams from Molten Sulfur Storage and Shipping Equipment.” Presented at the 2017 Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium, Vail, CO.


McIntush, K., D. Mamrosh, D. Sachde, and C. Beitler. March 19-21, 2017. “Characteristics of Sour Flare Gas Streams that Impact H2S Treatment Technologies.” Presented at the 2017 American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. Paper AM-17-60.


McIntush, K., K. Fisher, D. Mamrosh, R. McKaskle, C. Beitler, T. Fridriksson, P. Audinet, and A. Merin. October 23-16, 2016. “Early-Phase Evaluation of CO2 Recovery at Geothermal Facilities.” Presented at 40th Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA. GRC Transactions 40:73-83.


McIntush, K., D. Mamrosh, R. Jones, and C.A. Beitler. March 13-15, 2016. “Alternatives to Flare Gas Recovery for Sour Gas.” Presented at the 2016 American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Paper AM-16-44.


McIntush, K., D. Mamrosh, and C. Wallace. March 13-15, 2016. “Screening of Options for LPG Recovery from Refinery Fuel Gas Streams.” Presented at the 2016 American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Paper AM-16-65.


Mamrosh, D., K. Fisher, K. McIntush, R. McKaskle, and C. Beitler. October 2015. “Early-Phase Evaluation of CO2 Recovery at Geothermal Facilities.” Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), The World Bank.


Avery, J., B. Benn, K.E. McIntush, D. Mamrosh, and C. Beitler. September 2015. “Use of a Waste Heat Boiler to Capture Energy from Flammable Noncondensable Gas at Geothermal Power Plants.” Presented at Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting.


McIntush, K.E., D. Mamrosh, and C. Beitler. September 2015. “Molten Sulfur Storage Tank Loading and Vapor Ejection Systems Review.” Presented at the 2015 Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium, Vail, CO.


Mamrosh, D., K. McIntush, A. Douglas, K. Fisher, B. Juliusson, I. Gunnarsson, S. Markusson, K. Matthiasdottir, and M. Arnarson. 2014. "Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide and Recovery of Carbon Dioxide from Geothermal Non-Condensable Gas Using Water." Presented at Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting.


Mamrosh, D.L., K.E. McIntush, K. Fisher, and C.M. Beitler. February 2013. “Caustic Scrubber Design for Refinery Fuel Gas, Sour Water Stripper Gas, and Other Refinery Applications.” Presented at Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference 2013, Norman, OK.


Mamrosh, D.L., K.E. McIntush, C.M. Beitler, S.H. Markússon, and K. Einarsson. October 2012. “Screening of H2S Abatement Options for Geothermal Noncondensable Gas at Bjarnarflag.” Presented at Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, Reno, NV.


McIntush, K.E., D. Mamrosh, K. Fisher, C.A.M. Beitler, “Caustic Scrubber Design for Refinery Fuel Gas, Sour Water Stripper Gas, and Other Refinery Applications”. Presented at the 2012 Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium. September 11-14, 2012. Vail, CO.


Kendrick, C., K. McIntush, D. Mamrosh, C. Beitler, and O.E. Hileman. 2012. “Review of the Bottle Rock Power Stretford Unit to Prepare for Future Increases in Power Plant Throughput.”  GRC Transactions Vol. 36.


Benn, B., K.E. McIntush, C.M. Beitler, D.L. Mamrosh, and O.E. Hileman. October 2011. “Unit 14 / Sulphur Springs H2S Abatement Process Screening & Stretford Improvements Study – Part 2.” Presented at Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting.


McIntush K.E., J.E. Lundeen, K.S. Fisher, C.A.M. Beitler, and K. Tyndall. "When CO2 is more hazardous than H2S". Presented at the 2011 Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium. September 13-16, 2011. Vail, CO.


Tyndall, K., K. McIntush, J. Lundeen, K. Fisher, C. Beitler, "When is CO2 more hazardous than H2S",

Hydrocarbon Processing, January 2011, Vol. 90, No. 1, pp. 45-48.


Benn, B., K. McIntush, C.M. Beitler, D.L. Mamrosh, and O.E. Hileman, “Unit 14 / Sulphur Springs H2S Abatement Process Screening and Stretford Improvements Study – Part 1”, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 34, pp 1209 – 1212, 2010 Annual Meeting, 24-27 October 2010.


McIntush, K.E., C.A.M. Beitler, C. Wallace, D.T. Miller, D. Wentworth, P.F. Ellis, "Overview of the Design and Troubleshooting Efforts at Regency's Waha and Tilden Acid Gas Injection Facilities", Presented at the 2010 Brimstone Sulfur Recovery Symposium, 13-17 September 2010, Vail, CO.


Jones, R.A., McIntush, K.E., Wallace, C.B., "Oxygen Removal from Natural Gas", Proceedings of 89th Annual GPA convention, Austin, TX 21-24 March 2010.


Jones, R.A., McIntush, K.E., Wallace, C.B., "Oxygen Removal in Natural Gas Systems", Gas Processors Association Research Report RR-201, GPA Research No: 073, 26 February 2010


McIntush, K.E., C. Beitler, M. Swadener, C. Wallace, "Screening Processes for Removal of H2S from Enhanced Oil Recovery CO2 Streams", Proceedings of the 60th Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, 21 February to 24 February 2010, Norman, Oklahoma, USA, pp. 365-389.


McIntush, K.E., C.A.M. Beitler, C. Wallace, D.T. Miller, D. Wentworth, P.F. Ellis, "Design and Troubleshooting of Acid Gas Injection Facilities at Regency's Waha and Tilden Sites", Proceedings of the 59th Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, 22 February to 25 February 2009, Norman, Oklahoma, USA, pp. 227-254.


Mamrosh, D.L., C.M. Beitler, K.E. McIntush, K.S. Fisher, and S. Stem, "Use of Caustic in a Short Contact Time Approach to Selectively Scrub H2S from CO2-Contaminated Gas Streams", Proceedings of the 59th Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, 22 February to 25 February 2009, Norman, Oklahoma, USA, pp. 445-459.


McIntush, K.E., N.A. Hatcher, J.A. Stavros, T.A. Andreatta, B. Christlieb, "Revised from 2007:  Sharing Best Practices for Optimization of Beavon Stretford TGUs”, Proceedings of the 58th Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, 24 February to 27 February 2008, Norman, Oklahoma, USA, pp. 429-460.


MacCallum, R.N., K.E. McIntush, K.S. Fisher, "Flammability of Mixtures of CO2 and Hycrocarbons”, Proceedings of the 57th Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, 25-28 February 2007, Norman, Oklahoma, USA, pp. 282-297.


McIntush, Kenneth E., Kevin S. Fisher, Joseph E. Lundeen, and Jim Keogh, “Analysis of the Market for New Sulfur Recovery Technologies”, Proceedings of Natural Gas Technologies 2005 Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2005.


MacCallum, R.N., K.S. Fisher, K.E. McIntush, “Flammability of Mixtures of CO2 and Hydrocarbons,” Presented at Ninth Annual CO2 Conference, Midland Center, Center for Energy and Economic Diversification (CEED), University of Texas of the Permian Basin (UTPB), Midland, Texas, December 9th - 11th, 2003.


Dalrymple, Dennis A., David W. DeBerry, Carrie Beitler, David M. Seeger, Kevin S. Fisher, and Kenneth E. McIntush, “Developing and Demonstrating the CrystaSulf Process”, Gas Technology Institute Report GRI-03/0088, April, 2003.


McIntush, K.E., R.N. MacCallum, C.S.Wentworth, C.O. Rueter, M.P. O’Brien, “Status of the First Commercial Applications of CrystaSulf:  H2S Removal & Sulfur Recovery from Sour Gas in the Presence of Other Contaminants”, Presented at the 81st Annual GPA Convention, Dallas, Texas, March 2002.


McIntush, K.E., S.G. Hacker, K.E. DeBerry, B.J.Petrinec,  “CrystaSulfSM: A Process that Removes both H2S and Light Hydrocarbons from HDS Hydrogen Recycle Streams”, Presented at National Petrochemical & Refiners Association, 2002 Annual Meeting, March 2002, San Antonio, Texas, paper AM-02-13.


McIntush, K.E., C.O. Rueter, D.W. DeBerry, K.E. DeBerry, “CrystaSulf:  H2S Treating and Sulfur Recovery from Sour Gas”, Asociación Venezolana de Procesadores de Gas (AVPG), 2002 Annual Meeting, May 28-30, 2002, Hotel Tamanaco Intercontinental, Caracas, Venezuela


Rueter, C.O., A.J. Peskunowicz, and K.E. McIntush, “Comparison of Technologies for Removing 0.2-30 LT/D of Sulfur from High-Pressure Natural Gas,” paper presented at the Canadian Gas Processors Association meeting, 6 December 2001, Calgary, Alberta.


McIntush, K.E., R.N. MacCallum, C.O. Rueter, D.W. DeBerry, “H2S Removal and Sulfur Recovery Technologies for CO2 Streams: Old and New Approaches”, Presented at Seventh Annual CO2 Conference, Center for Energy and Economic Diversification (CEED), University of Texas of the Permian Basin (UTPB), Midland, Texas, December 4th & 5th, 2001


McIntush, K.E., R.N. MacCallum, M.P. O’Brien, “Comparison of CrystaSulf with 3 Other Process Options for H2S Removal and Sulfur Recovery from High-Pressure Sour Natural Gas”, Presented at: Houston Chapter Regional Meeting of the Gas Processors Association, The Woodlands Resort and Conference Center, The Woodlands, Texas, 18 October 2001


Petrinec, B.J., K.E. McIntush, K.E. DeBerry, Jr., A. Martinez, Jr.., “Tier 2 Clean Fuels: Eliminate the Need to Permit Additional Claus SRU Capacity by Using CrystaSulf Technology to Point-Source-Treat HDS Recycle Streams”, NPRA 9th Annual Environmental Conference, September 23-25, 2001, Renaissance Austin, Austin, Texas


McIntush, K.E., D.A. Dalrymple, C.O. Rueter, “New Process Fills Technology Gap in Removing H2S from Gas”, World Oil, July 2001, Vol. 80, No. 5, pp 61-64.


McIntush, K.E., K.E. DeBerry, D.W. DeBerry, R.M. Newcomer, “Remove H2S and C1-C4 from HDS recycle streams”, Hydrocarbon Processing, May 2001, Vol. 80, No. 5, pp 61-64


McIntush, Kenneth E., Curtis O. Rueter, Kenneth E. DeBerry and Carrie M. Beitler, “CrystaSulfSM Process Fills H2S Scavenging and Sulfur Recovery Gap,” GasTIPS 19-29 (Winter 2001).


McIntush, Kenneth E., David M. Seeger, Curtis O. Rueter and Kenneth E. DeBerry, Jr., 2001. “Comparison of Technologies for Removing Sulfur from High-Pressure Sour Natural Gas with Sulfur Throughputs Between 0.1 and 30 Long Tons/Day,” Presented at the 80th Annual GPA Convention, San Antonio, Texas, March 2001.


McIntush, K.E., C.O. Rueter, K.E. DeBerry, B.J. Petrinec, “H2S Removal and Sulfur Recovery Options for High-Pressure Natural Gas with Medium Amounts of Sulfur”, Hydrocarbon Engineering, February 2001.


McIntush, K.E., C.O. Rueter, K.E. DeBerry, Jr., D.W. DeBerry, “H2S Removal and Sulfur Recovery Options for High-Pressure Natural Gas with Medium Amounts of Sulfur”, Sulphur 2000 International Conference and Exhibition, San Francisco, California, USA, 29 October - 1 November 2000


Curtis O. Rueter, Kenneth E. Deberry, Jr, Kenneth E. McIntush, Dennis A. Dalrymple, “CrystaSulfSM Process for Recovering Sulfur from Gas Streams”, The North Texas Gas Processors Association Chapter Meeting of 4 April 2000, Holiday Inn Select, Irving, Texas


McIntush, K.E., B.J. Petrinec, C.M. Beitler (2000). "Results of Pilot Testing the CrystaSulf Process", Proceedings of the 50th Annual Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, 27 February to 1 March 2000, Norman, Oklahoma, USA.


McIntush, K.E., B.J. Petrinec, C.A.M. Beitler, “Results of Pilot Testing the CrystaSulf Process”, Presented at: The Ninth Gas Research Institute Sulfur Recovery Conference, October 24-27, 1999, San Antonio, Texas, USA.


Dalrymple, D.A., D.W. DeBerry, K.E. McIntush, D. Leppin (1999).  "CrystaSulf Process Advantages for Small to Mid-Range Sulfur Recovery Applications", Presented at: The Ninth Gas Research Institute Sulfur Recovery Conference, October 24-27, 1999, San Antonio, Texas, USA.


Dalrymple, D.A., D.W. DeBerry, K.E. McIntush, "CrystaSulfSM Process for Recovering Small Amounts of Sulfur from Gas Streams”, Proceedings of the 49th Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, 21 February to 24 February 1999, Norman, Oklahoma, USA, pp. 391-404.


D.A. Dalrymple, D.W. DeBerry, K.E. McIntush, “CrystaSulfSM for Small-Scale Sulfur Recovery” Sulphur 98 Conference, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 1-4 November 1998


David DeBerry, Kenneth McIntush (presenter), Bryan Petrinec, Kevin Krist, Dennis Leppin, “CrystaSulf, A Nonaqueous Approach to Liquid Redox Sulfur Recovery,” presented at the 1997 Spring AICHE National Meeting, Subquality Gas Upgrading Session, Houston, Texas, March 9-13, 1997.


Meyer, H., D. Dalrymple, K. McIntush, “Opportunities for Improvements in Offshore Gas Processing”, presented at the 75th Annual GPA Convention, Denver, CO, 1996.


Skinner, F.D., K.E. McIntush, M.C. Murff,  “Amine‑Based Gas Sweetening and Claus Sulfur Recovery Process Chemistry and Waste Stream Survey,” Topical Report, GRI-95/0187, Gas Research Institute, Chicago, IL, December 1995.


K.E. McIntush (presenter), J.E. Lundeen, A.F. Jones, D. Leppin, R.E. Moser, “Use of Sulfur From Iron-Based Liquid Redox Processes As an Oxidation Inhibitor in Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems,” Presented at The Seventh Gas Research Institute Sulfur Recovery Conference, Austin, Texas, September 24-27, 1995.


McIntush, K.E. and B.J. Petrinec, “GRI Testing of SulFerox® for the Direct Treatment of High-Pressure Natural Gas at NGPL's Kermit, Texas Site,” Final Report, GRI-94/0432, Gas Research Institute, Chicago, IL, April 1995.


Jones, A.F., K.E. McIntush, J.E. Lundeen, D.R. Moser, and D. Leppin, “The Use of Sulfur from Liquid Redox Processes as an Oxidation Inhibitor in Wet FGD Systems in Place of Emulsified Sulfur,” In: The 1995 SO2 Control Symposium, Electric Power Research Institute, Miami Beach, FL, March 1995.


McIntush, K.E., A.F. Jones, J.E. Lundeen, D. Leppin, and R.E. Moser. "Use of Sulphur from Liquid Redox Processes as an Oxidation Inhibitor in Wet Flue Gas Desulphurization Systems" In: Sulphur 94, Volume 1, pp. 197-212, British Sulphur, Tampa, FL, November 1994.


McIntush, K.E., B.J. Petrinec, and D. Leppin. "GRI Testing of SulFerox® for the Direct Treatment of High-Pressure Natural Gas at NGPL's Kermit, Texas Site" In: Proceedings of the 1994 GRI Sulfur Recovery Conference, GRI-94/0170, Gas Research Institute, Austin, TX, May 1994. pp. 19-49.


Jones, A.F., K.E. McIntush, R.G. Rhudy, and C.F.P. Bowen, “Results of Mist Eliminator System Testing In An Air‑Water Pilot Facility,” In: The 1993 SO2 Control Symposium, Volume 2, Session 6A, Electric Power Research Institute, Washington, D.C., December 1993.


Jones, A.F., K.E. McIntush, J.E., Lundeen, R.G. Rhudy, and C.F.P. Bowen, "Mist Elimination System Design and Specification for FGD Systems," In: 1993 SO2 Control Symposium, Electric Power Research Institute, Washington , DC , August 1993, Vol. 2, Session 5B.


Trofe, T.W., K.E. McIntush, and M.C. Murff,  Stretford Process Operations and Chemistry Report, Final Report GRI-93/0121, Gas Research Institute, Chicago, IL, 1993.


McIntush, K.E., A.F. Jones, and J.E. Lundeen, FGD Mist Eliminator System Design and Specification Guide, TR-102864, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, 1993.


Jones, A.F., K.E. McIntush, R.G. Rhudy, and C.F.P. Bowen, “Results of Mist Eliminator System Testing In An Air‑Water Pilot Facility,”  In: The 1991 SO2 Control Symposium, Volume 2, Session 6A, Electric Power Research Institute, Washington, D.C., December 1991.